
EIC's Innovator Insights Survey 2022: 10 priority actions to improve innovator experience

EIC's Innovator Insights Survey 2022: 10 priority actions to improve innovator experience

The 2022 edition of our Innovator Insights Survey is perhaps the most important yet. The need for networks to deliver services efficiently is more pressing than ever, and the solutions provided by our innovator community help to deliver that. 

The survey has again provided us with valuable feedback from the community and insights about what improvements can be made. Here, we outline the actions we'll be taking to put those into effect and improve the services provided by UK networks. 

Innovators & Networks Briefing Packs Development 

Innovator briefings will be expanded to include more information about each problem to be solved and the process involved, while new briefing packs for networks will also be rolled out to improve their understanding of the process and of feedback expectations. 

One Stop Shop Innovator Support Signposting 

We'll be developing our Innovator Support Page to give SMEs better access to opportunities and support schemes. 

Challenges Prioritisation 

A new process for qualifying and prioritising network problems will improve the quality of solutions delivered by innovators and the speed with which they are rolled out. 

Additional Challenges Engagement 

In addition to new summary videos about projects, SME innovators will be given new and more effective ways to contact networks for more information and to ask questions. 

Procurement “Route to Scale” and Standardisation 

The differing procurement and contracting processes of each network will be documented to ensure they are clearly communicated and easily understood by all stakeholders. 

Networks will also align parts of their procurement process to simplify access for SMEs and increase the speed with which projects can be delivered. 

BAU Readiness Checks 

New project health checks will monitor key requirements for immediately deploying solutions - such as business sponsorship, policies and processes - ensuring that they are in place or that gaps are filled. 

Review Terms & Conditions 

Networks will review and update their requirements - around issues like intellectual property and liability insurance - to improve the groundwork for innovation, partnerships and working with smaller innovators. 

BAU Transition Process Efficiency and Communications  

The process for moving from a project to deployment and then business as usual will be clearly laid out and communicated to all stakeholders. 

Accelerating Pace  

The EIC Partnership will ensure defined Pace targets (e.g. for an idea to be progressed to a project) are met by both Innovators and Networks, as well as adopting more agile practices throughout the process to fast track proposals when appropriate. 

Intellectual Property (IP) Consistency 

A more consistent approach to dealing with intellectual property will be developed among networks to accelerate contract negotiations and the delivery of projects. 

Download the Innovator Insights Survey 2022 for more information about how the EIC is removing barriers for private sector innovators. 

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Achieving net zero targets is one of the biggest challenges facing the energy and utilities industry, but by innovating together we can drive change and deliver a decarbonised future. Our industry partners are always looking for innovative new solutions to the challenges they face, including net zero, which is why we provide a platform where innovators like you can respond to the latest innovation opportunities and challenges, and submit your innovative ideas. Our expert team have an extensive knowledge base, allowing us to consistently help our partners to address challenges, and to support our innovation community. This enables innovators and industry to come together and build a strong innovation culture and streamline innovation processes.

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