Replacing diesel generators with low carbon alternatives

Replacing diesel generators with low carbon alternatives

The Opportunity
The objective of this Opportunity is to shortlist the submissions that best answer the brief, with the aim of attending a presentation day with the EIC Industry Partners, where it can be discussed in greater detail with a technical panel.
The EIC welcomes submissions from individual companies or companies working in collaboration with each other.

What is the Problem?
Power outages are unavoidable and cause disruption to all customers, particularly those customers who may be dependent on vital medical equipment. 

To restore electricity while works are being undertaken, diesel generators are often deployed to provide power to single or three phase properties. During 2023/24, SP Energy Networks (SPEN) hired around 500 20 and 40 kVA diesel generators (in addition to units they own) for deployment in their Manweb region.
SPEN are aiming to reduce their reliance on diesel generators because:
- They produce hazardous exhaust emissions, contributing to environmental and health issues 
- They are noisy and can cause disruption
- They can cause damage to customers’ properties through fuel and oil leaks. 

SPEN have explored alternative solutions, but these were unsuitable as they:
- Exceeded the maximum safe lifting weight for a single operative
- Couldn’t provide power for sufficient lengths of time due to short battery life
- Were unsuitable for rapid deployment due to extensive recharging times.


Preferred output
SPEN want to replace 20-40 kVA diesel generators with suitable low carbon alternatives.

The aim would be to:
- Provide clean, temporary power to a customer’s property while repairs are completed
- Provide a market ready solution (or develop a solution within 12 months)
- Provide necessary connection leads for customer cutouts
- Enable one or two people to manoeuvre/deploy (within safety guidelines)
- Allow for rapid deployment during outages
- Minimise noise levels to avoid disruption
- Provide telemetry for remote monitoring.

This would enable SPEN to reduce the use of diesel, assisting with their transition to net zero by mitigating the production of hazardous emissions.