
Access more funding opportunities than ever before with the EIC Funding Finder

Access more funding opportunities than ever before with the EIC Funding Finder

We are excited to share the addition of over 200 new funding opportunities on our funding search platform for innovators - the EIC Funding Finder. This includes the addition of these new funding categories:

  • Transport, Infrastructure and Communications: Funding for innovations/projects relating to telecoms hardware, software, infrastructure across the country. 
  • Community Development: Funding for building projects, projects that develop urban areas and neighbourhoods, innovations that support community development
  • Export and International Trade: Funding for export, trade, trade missions and exhibitions, export marketing and sales.
  • International Co-operation: Funding to support international collaboration, working across regional and country borders.
  • Education, Employment and Training: Funding towards education, management and staff training.  Also employment initiatives.

To find out more and to browse the full directory of opportunities, visit our Funding Finder today!

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Achieving net zero targets is one of the biggest challenges facing the energy and utilities industry, but by innovating together we can drive change and deliver a decarbonised future. Our industry partners are always looking for innovative new solutions to the challenges they face, including net zero, which is why we provide a platform where innovators like you can respond to the latest innovation opportunities and challenges, and submit your innovative ideas. Our expert team have an extensive knowledge base, allowing us to consistently help our partners to address challenges, and to support our innovation community. This enables innovators and industry to come together and build a strong innovation culture and streamline innovation processes.

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