
Are you coming to LCNI 2017?

Are you coming to LCNI 2017?

Visit the Innovation Zone stand (A10/12/13)

The Energy Innovation Centre (EIC), Energy Systems Catapult (ESC), Innovate UK and BEAMA are partnering to host the Innovation Zone at this year’s LCNI Conference 2017.

The Innovation Zone is a dedicated showcase for emerging innovation for utilities, electricity and gas networks. We are hosting 11 UK start-up companies, all with solutions for UK utilities and network operators.

We hope to help facilitate activity that will ensure new technologies are driven into business as usual and gain market volumes. There are also significant export opportunities for all UK businesses involved in innovation projects across the UK and we are working hard to provide a platform from which UK expertise can be promoted to a range of potential customers and markets.

This document provides further information on the host organisations and a summary of all the companies who are exhibiting at the 2017 Innovation Zone.

Visit the Energy Innovation Centre stand (A09)

Come along and meet the EIC team!  We’ll be talking all things industry and innovators.  You can learn more about our hot-off-the-press innovator toolkit and our brand new digital platform,

You can also catch us at:


IGEM in conjunction with the Energy Innovation Centre and gas networks are running the Gas Collaboration Zone on Wednesday 6 December from 15.20 to 16.40.  This is your opportunity to meet the networks and pitch your innovation to them.  This is an invitation only event.  To book your time slot, click here and choose who you would like to meet and at what time.  You can book a meeting with more than one network –  but will need to book each slot separately. 


On Thursday 7 December we will be hosting the Big Gas Challenge breakout in collaboration with IGEM and our gas distribution network partners.  We will be discussing the challenges facing the energy sector and learning more about the recently published Gas Network Innovation Strategy.  We will also be hearing from SMEs on the challenges working in collaboration can bring.

Ready to engage with us?

Achieving net zero targets is one of the biggest challenges facing the energy and utilities industry, but by innovating together we can drive change and deliver a decarbonised future. Our industry partners are always looking for innovative new solutions to the challenges they face, including net zero, which is why we provide a platform where innovators like you can respond to the latest innovation opportunities and challenges, and submit your innovative ideas. Our expert team have an extensive knowledge base, allowing us to consistently help our partners to address challenges, and to support our innovation community. This enables innovators and industry to come together and build a strong innovation culture and streamline innovation processes.

Ready to engage with us