Innovator Support

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The Innovation Link is Ofgem’s team that offers support on energy regulation to innovators looking to trial or launch new products, services, methodologies or business models. The Link offers three services to innovators – Fast, Frank Feedback, the Regulatory Sandbox and Broadcasts; more information about these services is available on the Innovation Link website.

Regulatory Sandbox Tools

Bespoke Guidance

Helps innovators interpret regulations and how they might apply to specific trial circumstances.


It can set out an approach to compliance and enforcement for the purposes of a trial.


The Sandbox verifies that a proposition is permissible.

Formal Relief

It provides (a derogation) from a specific rule (from a licence or code) that an innovator is not able to comply with.

Taking Charge: selling electricity to Electric Vehicle drivers

Click on the image below for guidance on what rules apply when selling electricity to EV drivers, covering a range of different scenarios. Particularly useful for charge point operators, local authorities, EV users, fleet operators and trade associations. Click the graphic below to find out more.
Ofgem Selling Electricity to Electric vehicle drivers